
How to avoid smoking on cruise ships and how to sneak

Whether you want to sneak a cigarette outside a designated area or get away with smoking weed on a cruise ship, we’ve outlined some of the ways passengers have tried to get away with it.

how to avoide smoke

We also discussed alternative options to reduce the amount of smoke you smoke, feel relieved without it, and suppress your appetite.

However, remember that breaking the rules is not without risk. Breaking ship rules can have consequences, so whatever you do, always keep the health and safety of other passengers on board in mind.

Use of designated smoking areas

The reality is that if you smoke cigarettes or cigars, you don’t have to avoid them.

Designated Smoking Areas are designated areas on cruise ships where smoking is permitted.

These areas are specially allocated and clearly marked to allow smoking passengers to continue their habit without disturbing non-smokers.

Smoking areas may be located indoors or outdoors depending on the ship’s layout and policy.

Indoor smoking areas often include casinos and designated cigar bars with special ventilation systems to control smoke.

These establishments often also have additional amenities such as comfortable seating, ashtrays, and sometimes drink service, creating a relaxed atmosphere for smokers.

Women Smoking on Cruise Deck
Outdoor smoking areas are usually located in areas on open decks, usually downwind, so as not to disturb non-smokers. These are strategically placed to prevent smoke from entering the ship and surrounding cabins. They often have an ashtray and some type of protection to protect the smoker from the elements.

These areas not only house cigarette smokers, but also often e-cigarette users and, in some cases, cigar smokers.

Benefits: Complying with shipping regulations eliminates the risk of penalties and violations. It’s a hassle-free and legal way to smoke.

Cons: The number, location, and availability of smoking areas may be inconvenient. For some smokers, crowds, noise, and exposure to the elements can affect their smoking experience.

Balcony Smoking

Smoking on cruise ships is usually prohibited on balconies due to the risk of fire, which is a big problem on cruise ships.

Balcony Smoking

A fire can also be caused by dropping an unlit cigarette onto a balcony or throwing it onto the deck below.

Additionally, the ban ensures passenger comfort, as many passengers do not like the smoke rising from nearby balconies, not to mention the potential fire hazard nearby.

However, there are still cruise ships where you can smoke on the balcony.

Pros: Private area away from the crowds where you can smoke and enjoy sea views.

Cons: Despite the attractive views, smoking is prohibited on balconies on almost all cruise ships due to the risk of fire.

Smoke can also be a nuisance to nearby passengers, and surveillance decks and surveillance cameras can detect violations of regulations and lead to penalties.

Cabin Smoking 

cabin smokin

Considering the privacy and convenience, smoking in cruise cabins may seem appealing. However, rooms in

are equipped with highly sensitive smoke detectors and the activation of a single smoke detector may require immediate security attention.

For fire safety reasons, most cruise ships prohibit all forms of smoking in cabins (some ships allow e-cigarettes). Penalties for violations range from cleaning fees to fines and even expulsion in serious cases.

Additionally, persistent smoke odors can be a nuisance to both nearby passengers and future passengers staying in the room.

Advantages: The cabin is a private, enclosed space, separated from other passengers, providing a fantastic sense of security. However,

Cons: Smoke detectors in almost all rooms can detect cigarette smoke and set off an alarm. Violating the in-room smoking policy may result in cleaning fees, fines, and even removal from boarding. The only known exception to this rule is Costa Cruises, where vaping is allowed in the cabin.

Bathroom Smoking

bath smoking

Given the relative isolation and potential for privacy, some cruise guests may consider choosing a private bathroom for smoking. I don’t know.

First, keep all clothing nearby and definitely outside the bathroom to avoid absorbing any lingering smoke smells.

Take a hot shower to create steam and help mask the distinct aroma of smoke as it mixes. Active exhaust vents are essential to support smoke dispersion.

Next, place a damp towel under the door to seal the space under the door and trap any smoke in the bathroom.

While smoking, immediately wash away any residue by directing the ash into the sink under running water.

Pros: The bathroom is a seemingly private, enclosed space, ideal for containing smoke.

Cons: Bathrooms are often equipped with smoke detectors, and lingering odors may be noticed by cleaning and maintenance staff. Improperly disposed of cigarettes can also pose a fire hazard. This method violates ship regulations and is strongly discouraged.

Once you’re done using it, use a scented air freshener, perfume, or deodorant to mask the smell of cigarettes.

Please note that although these measures may help reduce the chance of detection, they do not guarantee it and there may be potential consequences for breaching shipping regulations. .

Delta 8

delta 8

Delta-8 THC is increasingly in demand due to its perceived milder effects compared to its cousin Delta-9 THC, but its presence on cruise ships is strictly prohibited. It is important to note that

Benefits: Delta-8 products may provide desired effects to users who do not have the potency of regular cannabis.

Cons: Despite its lower potency, cruise ships put Delta 8 in the same category as other marijuana products. Therefore, the use or possession of Delta 8 on board is completely prohibited, which corresponds to a general ban on marijuana substances.

Smoking Weed on Cruise Ship

Cruise ships have strict drug prohibitions, and this includes marijuana, regardless of its legal status in your home country or the ports you visit.

Attempting to smuggle or smoke cannabis on board can have serious consequences.

Not only does the distinctive odor of cannabis attract attention, but if detected, you could be removed from the ship, face legal trouble at the next port of call, or even face a lifetime ban from boarding. There is also.

However, some people try to consume cannabis while on a cruise and have to find a way to avoid smoking.

Benefits: Smoking marijuana on cruise ships is illegal, so there are no real benefits.

Cons: Cannabis’ distinct aroma can attract unwanted attention, and getting caught can have serious consequences, including: B. Expulsion, possible arrest, or lifetime ban from cruising.

Additionally, smuggling cannabis on board a plane is extremely dangerous, as luggage is usually thoroughly searched upon boarding.

How To Get Away With Smoking on a Cruise Ship

These are some of the methods passengers have reportedly used to avoid smoking on cruise ships.

Smoke Buddy

Smoke Buddy is a personal air filter that reduces second-hand smoke and eliminates odors. When the user exhales smoke into the device, filtered, odorless air is released.

Smoke Buddy helps reduce the likelihood of detection in confined spaces by minimizing smoke and odor.

Despite its effectiveness, using a smoke buddy does not negate the fact that you are violating the ship’s smoking regulations. If discovered, penalties may be imposed.

Using One-Hitters

A one-hitter is a small, discreet smoking device that contains enough product for one inhalation, hence the name. It is popular among some smokers because of its small size and quick use.

One-hitter doesn’t attract much attention because it’s easy to hide and use.

Even modestly, the use of one-hitter still violates cruise ship smoking regulations. If caught, penalties similar to those for other methods of smoking can be imposed.

Alternative Smoking Options

If you’re a smoker who likes the feeling of smoking, but don’t want the hassle of finding a smoking area, there are several alternatives you can consider.

Nicotine Patch or Nicotine Gum

These products provide a steady supply. Get nicotine into your body without smoking. They help suppress appetite and are a popular choice for people trying to quit smoking.

Nicotine Inhalers

These devices allow you to inhale nicotine in a manner similar to smoking a cigarette. However, it does not produce smoke, so it can be used in many places where smoking is prohibited.

Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches

These pouches are placed between the gums and the lips. It provides a stable supply of nicotine without using smoke or tobacco. Discreet and can be used anywhere.

Smokeless Tobacco

Products such as snuff and chewing tobacco allow you to ingest nicotine without smoking. However, these products pose health risks and are not widely accepted.


If you are concerned about avoiding smoking when it comes to cannabis, you may want to consider edible alternatives. However, please note that your luggage may be scanned and inspected.

What happens if I’m caught smoking on a cruise ship?

As long as you don’t break the rules, you don’t have to worry about getting caught.

Ignoring smoking regulations on cruise ships can have serious consequences that will negatively impact both your vacation and your wallet.

Fines and Cleaning Fees

If you are found smoking in non-smoking areas, especially in cabins or balconies, you may have to pay high cleaning fees.

This fee will be used to thoroughly clean the room and remove all traces of smoke odor before it can be used by the next passenger.

Depending on the cruise line, this amount can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.

Removal from Ship

In serious or repeated cases, the cruise line may decide to remove you from the ship due to the risk of fire.

This means you will be left stranded at your next port of call and your travel arrangements will be made at home.

The remaining cost of the cruise is non-refundable.


Are there any cruise lines that are more lenient with smoking policies?

Smoking policies can vary by cruise line, so it’s essential to check the specific rules of the cruise you plan to take. Costa Cruises, for example, allows e-cigarette vaping in cabins.

Can I smoke cigars on a cruise ship?

Many cruise ships have designated cigar bars with proper ventilation for cigar smokers. However, smoking cigars in non-designated areas may result in penalties.

What are some tips to avoid getting caught smoking on a cruise ship?

The best way to avoid penalties is to use designated smoking areas. Attempting to smoke in non-smoking areas or using alternative devices is not recommended, as it may lead to consequences.

Is using a Smoke Buddy or one-hitter a foolproof way to smoke discreetly on a cruise ship?

While devices like Smoke Buddy and one-hitters can help reduce smoke and odor, they do not negate the fact that you’re violating the ship’s smoking rules, and penalties may apply if caught.

What are the consequences of getting caught smoking on a cruise ship?

Consequences may include fines, cleaning fees, or even removal from the ship in severe cases. Smoking violations can negatively impact your vacation experience and finances.

What are some alternatives to smoking on a cruise ship?

Alternatives include using nicotine patches, gum, inhalers, or tobacco-free nicotine pouches. These products provide nicotine without smoking.

What are the consequences of getting caught smoking on a cruise ship?

Consequences may include fines, cleaning fees, or even removal from the ship in severe cases. Smoking violations can negatively impact your vacation experience and finances.

What are some alternatives to smoking on a cruise ship?

Alternatives include using nicotine patches, gum, inhalers, or tobacco-free nicotine pouches. These products provide nicotine without smoking.

Can I smoke weed on a cruise ship in a place where it’s legal?

Cruise ships generally enforce a strict no-drug policy, even in regions where marijuana is legal. Attempting to smoke cannabis on board can lead to serious consequences.

Are there any cruise ships that allow smoking in cabins?

Most cruise lines prohibit smoking in cabins, with some exceptions. Costa Cruises is known for allowing e-cigarette vaping in cabins.

What happens if I smoke in a non-smoking area on a cruise ship?

Smoking in non-designated areas can result in fines and cleaning fees, which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the cruise

Can I smoke on a cruise ship?

Smoking policies vary by cruise line, but most have designated smoking areas. Smoking in cabins or on balconies is typically prohibited due to fire safety.


Smoking on cruise ships is subject to strict regulations and guidelines in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers. Smokers have access to designated smoking areas, but violating these rules can result in serious consequences including fines, cleaning fees, and even, in extreme cases, removal from boarding.

It is important for passengers to be aware of and abide by the smoking policy of their chosen cruise line to avoid disruption to their vacation experience. Additionally, alternative options such as nicotine patches, gum, and inhalers offer a way to satisfy nicotine cravings without violating the rules.

At the end of the day, compliance and passenger health and safety must be a top priority on cruise travel. In this way, passengers can ensure a smooth and comfortable journey for themselves and other passengers.

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