How Much Do Cruise Ship Captains Make

How Much Do Cruise Ship Captains Make? (2023 Salary Insights)


Ever pondered over a cruise ship captain’s annual salary? Several factors, including experience, vessel size, and prestige, influence these figures.

Average Cruise Ship Captain Salary

  • Estimations: Cruise captains earn around $96,000 annually, varying between $50,000 for new positions to over $200,000 for seasoned professionals.
  • Data from Comparably and Payscale: Aligning at $93,328 and $96,347 per year, respectively. The salary range spans from $48,000 to $190,000.
  • Experience-Based Earnings: Captains with over 10 years’ experience earn about $98,000, while those with under 10 years make $70,000 to $77,000 yearly.

Monthly Income Breakdown

  • $93,328 annually equates to a monthly average of $7,777.33.
  • Higher annual salaries translate to:
  • $125,000/year = $10,416/month
  • $150,000/year = $12,500/month
  • $175,000/year = $14,583/month
  • $200,000/year = $16,666/month

Factors Influencing Cruise Captain Pay

Factors Influencing Cruise Captain Pay
  1. Experience: More years as a captain result in higher pay.
  2. Vessel Size and Prestige: Larger or specialized vessels equate to higher salaries.
  3. Company Size: Larger companies generally offer higher pay but smaller ones might negotiate additional benefits.
  4. Location: Captains in regions with higher living costs earn more.

Additional Perks

  • Besides salary, captains enjoy perks like luxury accommodations, free meals, onboard facilities usage, free flights, paid holidays, and health plans.

Cruise Ship Captain Responsibilities

Cruise Ship Captain Responsibilities
  • Navigating the Ship: Charting courses, managing speed, and ensuring safe passage.
  • Safety and Security: Compliance with maritime regulations, overseeing safety equipment, and handling emergencies.
  • Ship Maintenance: Supervising engineering operations and ensuring seaworthiness.
  • Customs and Immigration Compliance: Ensuring the ship adheres to international laws at ports.
  • Security Measures: Overseeing onboard security against potential threats.
  • Emergency Response: Coordinating responses to emergencies and ensuring passenger safety.
  • Crew Management: Handling crew issues and overseeing department heads.
  • Social Engagements: Attending and sometimes speaking at onboard events.
  • Officiating Ceremonies: Conducting weddings held on the ship.

Becoming a Cruise Ship Captain

  • A master’s degree in maritime studies and 10-15 years’ ocean vessel experience are requisites.
  • Essential skills include leadership, communication, and crisis management.

Myth and Reality: A Captain’s Duty in Disasters

  • Despite legends, captains are legally bound to ensure passenger and crew safety before their own.

Can Women Be Cruise Captains?

  • Few females hold this role, with Captain Kate McCue being a notable figure.
  • Her salary is likely around $150,000 to $190,000, notably due to her role and social media presence.


Being a cruise ship captain demands immense responsibility, with duties spanning safety, navigation, crew management, and compliance with international laws.


here are some FAQs regarding cruise ship captains and their salaries:

  1. What Factors Determine a Cruise Ship Captain’s Salary?
    • Experience, vessel size, company size, and geographic location are crucial factors. More experienced captains on larger or specialized vessels in high-cost living areas tend to earn higher salaries.
  2. Do Cruise Ship Captains Receive Additional Benefits Besides Salary?
    • Yes, captains often enjoy perks like luxury accommodations, free meals, access to onboard facilities, free flights, paid holidays, and comprehensive health plans.
  3. What Are the Key Responsibilities of a Cruise Ship Captain?
    • A captain’s duties encompass navigation, ensuring safety and security, overseeing ship maintenance, compliance with customs and immigration laws, managing the crew, handling emergencies, attending social events, and even officiating onboard ceremonies.
  4. What Qualifications Are Required to Become a Cruise Ship Captain?
    • Aspiring captains typically need a master’s degree in maritime studies along with 10 to 15 years of experience working on ocean vessels. Essential skills include leadership, communication, and crisis management.
  5. Is it True that Cruise Ship Captains Have a 24/7 Work Schedule?
    • Yes, captains are on call round the clock, ready to handle emergencies or problems as they arise. They typically work in rotations, spending 8 to 10 weeks on the ship followed by an equivalent time off.
  6. Can Women Be Cruise Ship Captains?
    • Yes, although the number of female cruise ship captains is limited. Captain Kate McCue is a prominent example, being the first American woman to captain a mega cruise ship.
  7. What is the Captain’s Role During Emergencies or Disasters?
    • In the event of a disaster, it is the captain’s legal duty to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew before prioritizing their own evacuation.
  8. How Much Do Captains of Mega Cruise Ships Earn?
    • Estimates suggest that captains of the world’s largest cruise ships could earn annual salaries ranging between $170,000 to $200,000.
  9. Do Different Cruise Lines Offer Different Salaries for Captains?
    • Yes, salaries can vary based on the cruise line’s size and the scale of their operations. Larger companies often offer higher salaries, but smaller ones may negotiate additional perks or profit shares.
  10. What Are Some Notable Responsibilities Beyond Navigation for Cruise Captains?
    • Apart from steering the ship, captains often officiate weddings held onboard, attend social events, manage emergencies, and oversee the ship’s compliance with international laws at various ports

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