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15 Best Cruise Forums & Message Boards(2023-24)

Cruise travel has become a favorite pastime for adventurers, vacationers, and enthusiasts looking to explore the world’s seas and oceans. Whether you’re a seasoned cruiser or planning your very first voyage, connecting with fellow cruise enthusiasts and gathering information can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we present an in-depth guide to 15 vibrant cruise forums and message boards, where you can share experiences, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest in the cruise industry.

Here are 15 best Cruise Forums & Message Boards

1. Cruise Critic

cruise crictic
  • Description: Cruise Critic stands as a prominent and all-encompassing cruise forum. It covers an extensive range of cruise lines, destinations, and cruise-related topics. With an active user community, you’ll find comprehensive discussions, reviews, and valuable advice.
  • Website: Cruise Critic

2. Cruise Addicts

cruise addicts
  • Description: Cruise Addicts is a welcoming and informative cruise community that focuses on sharing cruise experiences, tips, and recommendations. Its forums include cruise line-specific sections and an engaged and helpful community.
  • Website: Cruise Addicts

3. The DIS Boards

The DIS Boards
  • Description: The DIS Boards primarily cater to Disney-related topics, including Disney Cruise Line discussions. It’s a go-to resource for Disney cruise fans, offering insights and information.
  • Website: The DIS Boards

4. CruiseMates

  • Description: CruiseMates is a cruise community that provides cruise reviews, forums, and informative articles. Its friendly and helpful members are enthusiastic about sharing their cruise knowledge.
  • Website: CruiseMates

  • Description: offers cruise reviews, forums, and a handy cruise planning tool. Users can connect with fellow cruisers, share experiences, and ask questions about their upcoming voyages.
  • Website:

6. Cruise-Community

  • Description: Cruise-Community, based in Germany, offers a multilingual cruise forum with an English section. It serves as an international platform for discussing various cruise topics and sharing experiences.
  • Website: Cruise-Community

7. Royal Caribbean Blog

Royal Caribbean Blog
  • Description: Dedicated to enthusiasts of Royal Caribbean International cruises, the Royal Caribbean Blog forum provides a space for in-depth discussions about this cruise line. It’s part of a larger community focused on Royal Caribbean.
  • Website: Royal Caribbean Blog

8. Cruise Law News

Cruise Law News
  • Description: While not a traditional forum, Cruise Law News is a legal blog run by a maritime lawyer. It offers insights and news about the cruise industry, including safety and legal matters, making it a valuable source of information.
  • Website: Cruise Law News

9. Cruise-Chat

  • Description: Cruise-Chat is a user-friendly forum covering various cruise lines, ports, and travel-related topics. It’s a great place to ask questions and engage in discussions about all things related to cruising.
  • Website: Cruise-Chat

  • Description: is a UK-based forum with discussions on cruise lines, ships, and travel tips for cruisers from the UK and beyond. It offers a platform for European travelers to share their cruise experiences.
  • Website:

11. Cruise Radio Community

Cruise Radio Community
  • Description: Cruise Radio offers cruise news, reviews, and a community forum for cruise enthusiasts. You can find discussions on different cruise lines and a wide range of cruise-related topics in this community.
  • Website: Cruise Radio Community

12. CruiseCrazies

  • Description: CruiseCrazies is a welcoming online community dedicated to cruise enthusiasts. It provides a platform for members to discuss their cruise experiences, ask questions, and offer valuable insights into cruising.
  • Website: CruiseCrazies

13. Cruise Forums on TripAdvisor

Cruise Forums on TripAdvisor
  • Description: TripAdvisor, known for its travel advice and reviews, features dedicated cruise forums where you can find information on various cruise lines and destinations. It’s a part of the extensive TripAdvisor travel community.
  • Website: Cruise Forums on TripAdvisor


  • Description: is a UK-based cruise community with forums covering a range of cruise lines, ships, and destinations. It’s a valuable resource for European cruisers looking to connect and share their cruise experiences.
  • Website:

15. Reddit – Cruise Subreddit

Reddit - Cruise Subreddit
  • Description: While not a traditional forum, the Cruise Subreddit on Reddit is a thriving online community where cruise enthusiasts gather to discuss cruise-related topics, share experiences, and seek advice.
  • Website: Reddit – Cruise Subreddit

Recap Off All Cruise Forums & Message Boards

Certainly, here’s a recap of the 15 cruise forums and message boards with just the website names:

  1. Cruise Critic
  2. Cruise Addicts
  3. The DIS Boards
  4. CruiseMates
  6. Cruise-Community
  7. Royal Caribbean Blog
  8. Cruise Law News
  9. Cruise-Chat
  11. Cruise Radio Community
  12. CruiseCrazies
  13. Cruise Forums on TripAdvisor
  15. Reddit – Cruise Subreddit

End Line

Explore these vibrant cruise forums and message boards, connect with fellow cruise enthusiasts, and embark on your next cruise adventure with the confidence and knowledge gained from these valuable communities.


How can I join these cruise communities?

To join a cruise forum or message board, you typically need to create an account or profile on the respective website. Registration is usually free and involves providing basic information. Once you’re a member, you can start participating in discussions and engaging with the community.

Can I trust the information and reviews on these forums?

While these forums are valuable resources, it’s essential to approach the information and reviews with a critical mindset. Consider that opinions and experiences may vary. It’s a good practice to cross-reference information and use forums as a starting point for your research.

Are these cruise forums and message boards free to use?

The majority of cruise forums and message boards are free to access and use. You can join the discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences without any membership fees. However, some platforms may offer premium features or content that require a fee.

How can I benefit from cruise forums and message boards?

Cruise forums provide a wealth of information, insights, and advice from experienced cruisers. You can use these platforms to plan your cruise, learn from others’ experiences, discover tips and recommendations, and connect with a community that shares your passion for cruising.

What are cruise forums and message boards?

Cruise forums and message boards are online platforms where cruise enthusiasts come together to discuss various aspects of cruise travel. They offer a space to share experiences, ask questions, and gather information about cruise lines, ships, destinations, and more.

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